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Our Services

Who we fund

We Work With:

Private Individuals

We offer finance to private individuals resident in a wide range of countries, many of whom have assets, business interests and claims in multiple jurisdictions.

Law Firms

We build solutions for law firms whether boutique or full service, onshore or offshore.


Our clients range from individual family members to professional executors and administrators.

Professional Trustees

We deal with a range of professional trustees including professional individuals acting as trustee and trust companies based onshore or offshore.

Corporate Clients

Whether as a company in a trust structure, a family investment company or a corporate trustee, we are familiar with company clients incorporated in a number of jurisdictions.

Enforcement Agents

We work with insolvency practitioners and other enforcement agents in relation to tracing and asset recovery.

What we fund

Funding solutions for matrimonial and private client disputes

[qode_accordion style=”toggle”][qode_accordion_tab title=”MATRIMONIAL DISPUTES” title_tag=”h5″ content_padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px”]

We are the largest independent provider of matrimonial litigation funding in the UK and have funded matrimonial litigation since 2014.


Schneider Financial Solutions is the market leader in providing high value litigation loans. Our loans have ranged from £50,000 to nearly £5million per client, with no upper limit.


We fund solicitors’ fees as well as disbursements ranging from counsels’ fees, expert witnesses and valuations through to private security details and international legal teams.


In a divorce we may fund the financially weaker party, the financially dominant party or indeed both parties through two separate loan agreements.


We view the anticipated settlement as the asset, and typically have no requirement for additional security such as a charge over a property. We have funded a wide variety of cases including:


  • Jurisdictional disputes
  • Cases under Part III MFPA 1984
  • Variation and capitalisation of maintenance
  • Set-aside applications


In matrimonial proceedings our loan will be seen by the Court as a hard debt on the asset schedule, rather than a “soft loan” from friends and family which could be disregarded.

[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”UNMARRIED COUPLES” title_tag=”h5″ content_padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px”]

We are able to fund cases which arise between unmarried couples for example:


  • ToLATA 1996 applications and
  • Schedule 1 Children Act 1989 Applications.
[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”CONTENTIOUS TRUST AND PROBATE” title_tag=”h5″ content_padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px”]

Schneider Financial Solutions offers a unique range of solutions tailored for trust and probate litigation.


We offer both litigation loans and non-recourse litigation funding arrangements and we work with the legal team to refine the solution to suit each case.


We support clients with a broad range of cases including:


  • Contested probate and 1975 Act claims
  • Claims brought by executors, claims made against executors and directions sought by executors
  • Directions sought by trustees including Beddoes applications
  • Claims brought by trustees
  • Claims brought against trustees including breach of trust claims


We strive to find funding solutions in circumstances where other funders struggle, in particular where the outcome is non-monetary and complex.


Our lending solutions enable claimants to pay the costs of a claim whilst leaving investments undisturbed. Our non-recourse solutions eliminate the need to fund the litigation and reduce the downside risks.

[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”AWARD/COST ADVANCE” title_tag=”h5″ content_padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px” el_id=”Award_Cost_Advance”]

We provide short term unsecured loans in a variety of situations. Our expertise in trust, probate and matrimonial disputes enables us to provide loans even in cases where other lenders are unwilling.


In other circumstances, we can fund the payment of tax or make payments prior to the sale of assets. For example individuals who inherit illiquid assets, such as property, it is often difficult to pay the inheritance tax required to release the assets from probate, at which point they may either be sold or refinanced in order to repay the loan. Unlike traditional banks we have no requirement to take legal security over property assets.


We have no minimum repayment term, nor early redemption interest or fees, meaning such loans may be a quick and efficient mechanism for releasing assets.

[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”ENFORCEMENT” title_tag=”h5″ content_padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px”]

Our research and experience shows that many court orders are not adhered to so enforcement proceedings are often required. We are willing to fund enforcement proceedings in the UK or in other jurisdictions.

[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”ARBITRATION AND ADR” title_tag=”h5″ content_padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px”]

Increasingly we see cases, especially those involving “high-profile” individuals, being arbitrated as opposed to being settled through the traditional court route. We provide bespoke funding solutions for such cases to ensure that clients for whom this route is an option are able to take advantage of it and have a loan which suits their specific needs.

[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”LIVING EXPENSES” title_tag=”h5″ content_padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px”]

For some clients going through litigation it is not only the legal costs that need to be financed, but also individual living expenses. We are happy to consider meeting these expenses by providing either a lump sum to pay off historical expenses, or monthly payments to help with ongoing expenses, or a combination of the two. Our living expenses loans have been used by:


  • Financially weaker parties who have no access to funds.
  • Financially weaker parties who have received lower amounts through the MPS application process than they required to meet their needs.
  • Financially dominant parties who either have no liquidity or who are required to pay interim maintenance orders in excess of their means.
  • Beneficiaries whose distributions from the trust have ceased as a result of an ongoing dispute.
  • Heirs whose cashflow is impeded as a result of ongoing inheritance disputes.
[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”APPEALS” title_tag=”h5″ content_padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px”]

We are happy to consider funding either the appellant or respondent to an appeal, either as a continuation of proceedings which we have already funded, or as a standalone arrangement where we have sufficient comfort on the risk profile of the case.
